About us & Contact

About us /contact page

Aim-2  is a division of Aircastles-Internet-marketing, LLC

We are an Affiliate Marketing Business
Aircastles Internet Marketing LLC is a limited liability company registered with the state of Missouri and the United States Federal Government’s Department of Revenue (IRS). At present we are providing affiliate marketing. This means we provide a website that offers links to other businesses. When you  access a product through our website links, you are actually visiting the website of the product provider.  Thus the acquisition of the product by you, has the security provided by that product/website. 

We look for the Wholesaler with the lowest price possible, and the highest of quality products. 
We want you to find your item with out spending hours surfing the net, frustrated and upset. We believe “The Customer” deserves to be treated with courtesy, and respect; in a pleasant, colorful  and relaxing atmosphere.  You shop from home, so that you can relax and be pampered.  Ordering from the comfort of your favorite easy chair or couch.

Our goal is to take “AIM” and provide you with a pleasant comfortable and rewarding shopping adventure, focusing on your needs. 
Our blogs are to provide you with a source of information on each and every subject of the http://Aircastles-internet-marketing.biz  website
 Welcome to blogging at AIM-2

Come visit the store,We look forward to serving you.

Contact Information:

Nelda Percival – Owner  info@aircastles-internet-marketing.biz
 644 Warbonnet Rd. Roach, Missouri, 65787, USA
When emailing please provide us with:
Full name -
Email address -
Phone number (Optional) -
Message -
Emails will be answered within 2 to 3 business days

TAKE - AIM  -   We target your needs