Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 11 to lose 100 lbs

Family Genetics can help cause you to be over weight.
But, ultimately, it is you the person who is responsible for the condition of being over weight. WE must start eating wiser. Consume less, of the high calorie foods and more of the lower/vegetables/high fiber foods.

This takes a whole new outlook on what foods you buy and use to cook with.

I have a tendency to sabotage myself, why I'm not really sure, But I must walk up to 30 minutes per day. You would think how easy, only 30 minutes per day? no real hard exercise, just walking and yet that is the hardest thing for me to do.

I walked 7 minutes yesterday 21 November,
Breakfast coffee - 2 Tbs non dairy creamer, 60 cals
2 slices bread 140 cals margarine 1Tbs 60 cals
1egg 100 cals

lunch a home made soup 400 cals (just a guess) = 860

10 fish sticks  6=350 4-150= 500 cals
brockly - 1/2 cup = 100 cals
2 bread 140 + margarine 60=  1660  total +
I drink coffee  and water.... 

need to reduce intake or/and increase walking.  No star for today....

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