Monday, March 26, 2012

Denial - Do you suffere from it?

I think I do, I hate the idea of excersizing.. I use denial to keep me from thinking I really need to lose weight, or close to 290 I stress my heart, my lungs, the entire body, but until I convince myself I really want to do this I just struggle with it. On again Off again.. and it makes no sience, none at all. I have started listening to my radio, I used to love to dance and at least I stand up and dance once or twice a day...

I'm going to try harder... until I accomplish my goals, setting on my butt all day will not do that.


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Well I did walk just at 11:30 pm

speed 1.1 for 11:20 total distance .19

If you don't keep trying you'll never succeed!


Being lazy?

I guess in a way I've been lazy... but with an artificial knee, sometimes I push to hard then play lazy for a while. It would be better if I just walked a simple thirty minutes a day. Well I was lazy until the about the 28th. You see I and my sister ride 250cycle scooters, and our road being so ruff it is hard to ride up this road so we had them in a storage unit at the beginning of the road, but this last month the owner sort of disappeared, I had no one to pay for the rental... So we had to move them out .. but the MC shop down the highway about 3nmiles away had no where to store them inside.. so I asked permission to rent a spot to put a storage building on they said yes. and it took 7 days to build it fron scratch. 4v days ago the 6th we finished.
Now they are save, protected and easy to access. The motorcycle shop... MY PLACE.. is run by a very nice couple. We have put security lights on the building.

it is a 10ft x 10ft, perfect for our two bikes.and its not over by the shop so shouldn't bother anyone..
the ramp it really sturdy.

 The blue one is mine... we ride when ever possible....
not bad for 72 and a 67 yr olds.

so I wasn't completely lazy. I will say I had a helper. but we did work together!

living life to the fullest..