Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 5

Its almost New Years... But I walked today 30 minutes 30 seconds at .05 for ,36 of a mile. Read almost a full chapter...tell you more latter.
Happy New Year
successful weight loss is not the diet,  but actually STICKING to it.
Risk-free because it's 100% guaranteed.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Day 4

I built an island stand for my kitchen yesterday and then painted it, this am I dragged it int om house then into the kitchen then spent the day painting some wall cabinets I had built. I'm tired... BUT, LOL can't just forget to do it... I walked, yes that's right after spending the biggest part of the day on my feet already I walked.. congratulate me...

39 minutes 6 seconds at .05, I was reading the Dragon riders of Pern and it was first fall... so of course it just breezed by. Lessa the Queen's rider will soon figure out she has to save the planet of Pern.

Oh this just makes the walking so much eaiser!.. after I start loosing I'll speed up the Bowflex.. right now I have to get used to the walking..

Well you have a good evening I'm tired I might just go to sleep early.

thanks for being there to listen

Ultimate Weight Loss Program

boast your metabolism

Ultimate fat-burning machine

Learn How

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 3

Been working on my classes, I created a new website for coupons. That should keep me very busy.

Well let's discuss Weight loss here. not hopes and dreams for an indoor bathroom... LOL I said indoor bathroom.  Ask I'll tell you about it.

Got up about 10:30am I contacted The school because one of the video lessons was skipping and I couldn't start the next lesson. Got that done and decided to do my walking.. Lordie do my knees hurt. Anyway I walked 31minutes and 3 seconds at .05 for speed and completed .54 of a mile.

I built me a stand that I can put a book on so I read as I walk and I'm not so bored. I walk longer that way. I'm reading Anne McCaffree's book The Dragon riders of Pern. Have you ever read it? It is a wonderful series. Maybe 15 -20 books - maybe less, can't remember.  We lost Anne McCafree last month and the world is a lesser place for her passing. She was one of the BEST science fiction fantasy writers ever! If you haven't read her.. Try it you'll become a fan with just one book and it does not matter what series.

Well that's how I'm getting better at walking. The stand isn't much to look at.. it is higher then the control panel on the bowflex I have. It allows a book to be placed on it and you can read as you walk.. anything to help improve the boredom of just walking...

Take care I'll be back tomorrow

Day 2, Dec 28th, 2011

I'm sorry, I didn't write yesterday, I slipped. LOL but, I did walk the full 30 minutes at .05.
I will do better I promise myself!


I am, I think, therefore I am
Thoughts are powerful objects, they have substance and power. What I think I am I will become

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

day one

Got up at 11:00 started the computer and got a isp management error got that fixed and was on the bowflex treadclimber. by 1245, I did a full 30 minutes of walking at 1.0 speed. I read while walking to get my mind off the boring exercise.... whatever at least I did it..

my weight loss website:
Positive attitude is the power that drives you to successful weight loss. Developing and manifesting a positive attitude makes all life happier and more successful.

starting over

I'm going to start over after reading what I wrote on my website about weight loss I know I've onlky been playing around. so it is 2:33 am when I get up ib the morning I'm starting for real. I'll even post daily even if there is no one to share my goals with. I'm not going to lose weight for you I'm going to do it for me...
see you in the AM

WE have divided the primary business website into:
1.  (for internet marketing)
blog  known as A.I.M.
2.      12/26/11
9.      12/26/11

Monday, December 19, 2011

Aim -2: Monday Dec 19 - 36 days of trying to lose weight

Aim -2: Monday Dec 19 - 36 days of trying to lose weight: I just spent the day creating a website for this blog. hopefully I've matched up the coloring pretty well. I love creating graphics, to ba...

Monday Dec 19 - 36 days of trying to lose weight

I just spent the day creating a website for this blog. hopefully I've matched up the coloring pretty well.

I love creating graphics, to bad I'm not a better artist.. But I do have fun doing it. Finished building shelves in my kitchen. I'll post pictures when I'm done.
My daughter - lives in Texas, is getting her surgery for carpel tunneling rescheduled. and life right now seems just wonderful!

I walked today .. only 15 minutes and only at .06 miles per hour.... lol but I did walk.
Go visit the website:
Tell me about you...



Sunday, December 18, 2011

been at it 35 days

Guess I'm a little in need of having a talk to.. You know the kind where your mom sits down and lectures you about how your treating yourself?

You never think, you have time for you???!! If you don't who will? Anyone can succeed but you have to want it bad enough!

I'm fat, my health isn't good I hurt when I stand up more then a hour or so and I can't breath as I have BAD COPD! But am I really trying to get all this off me?  Is it important enough to do something about.. ?? I must make it that important. No skipping days of writing.. When I don't walk because no one is here to read about it.. Does it really matter what you think about me.. No it matters what I think about me. It matters that I think I'm worth the effort.. So am I?  Yes!
So quit sitting around talking about it and do something.. Guess, I'm lecturing me! It is so much easier to do nothing...


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

31st day of trying to lose weight.

Did you see the biggest loser last night. John won that is a great accomplishment but he wasn't my favorite...

And Patrick won for the home group....Didn't he look hot! If they could do it so can I...

walked 15 minutes yesterday..

aiming for 150 lbs

Monday, December 12, 2011

29th day of trying to lose weight.

Guess I have to live here in this blog by my self.. there is a song... the loneliest number is the number one.. cause its by its self..

I walked on the tread mill today, but yesterday The guy who helps me build things came by to hang the shed door he built for me... Not the shed I built that he did my door.  Anyway, we started at 1pm and then he went and worked on chopping wood, and I started cleaning my porch and building shelves for the junk on the porch well I finished at 9:15 pm. I was so tired I did not walk any on the tread mill..

Have you looked at my web sites page on weight loss and the different things offered there?
My page starts off:


Weight loss can be assisted by products, but it depends on your commitment.
When you start your goal write down your daily activities, your consumption of foods, liquids.
write your comment on a blog where you can get support from other people. Anything worth having is worth working for.
try for a place to talk to others about weight loss and your goals.

 Nelda on a journey to lose 100 pounds

It talks about  Weight Loss Formula, a book; HYPNOSIS WEIGHT LOSS A successful weight loss is not the diet,  but actually STICKING to it and the Ultimate fat-burning machine and many others, but I feel success in weight loss is the attitude of completion, you must have the attitude that you can lose weight and if any of these items help, then by all means use them.

Go look, you might find exactly what you need.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

27th day to lose 100 pounds

Day 27 and I don't feel any smaller then I was, but I don't think I am giving it the dedication I should. Are you? It would be much better if someone would talk to me here... then I'd have to respond everyday...

Visit my blog and website we now offer links to
my website:
my blogs:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

24th day to lose 100 lbs - Snow flakes.

Snow flakes - wow winter has started and doing a thirty minute per day three times a week can be even harder, but not impossible. try marching in place if you can't get outside. The Veterans Administration has created a video for us older folks. Next time your at your local VA Hospital ask your Dr. for a copy.   I have my copy. It shows you exercises for us older folks.

It almost seems to easy. 

Well, again it has been days since I've been here but I keep at it even if I don't write about it.
Did you see Ramon, on the biggest loser? he won the 26.2 mile marathon - wow... Good work Ramon. Glad to see you back in the fight. and  Vinny wasn't that romantic?  John glad to see you in the last three. Anthony, you kick but guy! Your a winner already! John your so set on winning that I'm afraid after the last weight in you'll just put it all back on . Its like your more interested in winning the money then winning the fight for your life! with out life that money means nothing.

Well. I did walk everyday except I haven't made it to 30 minutes yet!

Take care and work on that fat!

Go see my business sight:

Saturday, December 3, 2011

21 days to lose 100 pounds -

The Great Apple award lol...
I went to the store yesterday Woods its is a small grocery chain store.. any way had top go potty... and they had a scale.. You won't believe it 260. That's down 20 pounds from my last weight in. wow!! It is 2:12 am  and I'm tired. The first I went and bought some kitchen cabinets. they were delivered yesterday so I hung them.. and that is definitely not a job for one person... but they are level and tight up against each other.. Have to take one set back, it is to long 30 inches but I really need a 20 inch instead. So back to home depot tomorrow to replace it.

My sister and I moved to Missouri in 2002 because we both were retired and of a lower income and they had a good deal on some land, One of those nothing down so much a month.. well we bought it un-seen..then came out and looked at it and decided to come out after my sister turned 62 that summer. so now we almost have it paid off..butv we both bought rent to own storage buildings,  we wired, and insulated and put up walls and they are now our houses. But I didn't have wall kitchen cabinets so that's why I bought them. When I get done with the kitchen I'll take pictures.. to show you.

Anyway that's why some days I skip writting cause it takes a lot to build a home out of Ozark woods..
Love it here ...but we need a well so we don't have to carry in water.

You'd think with all the work I'd lose weight.. nope  anyway the 20 pounds I lost deserves the apple award almost forgot made 17 minutes yesterday...

Nite - Nite

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Well it looks like I'm bad at writing about losing weight. I have been using the tread mill.. I walked 17 minutes today.. LOL while I read a book. been eating right at 1200-1600 calories a day.. need to cut that down.. gave up sugars and sweets maybe once a month I might have a candy bar..but there isn't jellie  syrup sugar in the house at all...

gotta get up at 830 and its 3:48 am right now so night take care and write me

shopping tomorrow
